What Does It Mean?

When people first hear our brand name, a look of uncertainty usually crosses their face. They are confused about the name, the meaning, but with our brand, the negative connotation that surrounds the word ‘Ghetto’ is eliminated and replaced with an unconventional definition. To us, ‘Ghetto’ means The Greatest Heroes Emanate Through Tainted Odds. Think about all of your greatest inspirations, whether it be ball-players, entrepreneurs, activists, artists, or musicians, at least one of them started their lives under poor circumstances and were still able to make a name for themselves. Interlude, or ;nterlude, encompasses the idea that no matter your circumstances, there is always time to reflect, refocus and rejoice. If there is something you want to do, take an interlude, reconvene, and go back at it. This is our Interlude.

Greetings! I am Mya, the owner of Ghetto Interlude and I started this brand, this mission because I am a visionary. I saw the need within my community for something more than clothing, more than physical objects, and more than momentary healing. My community, our community, needs a movement; we need to grow, heal, and excel. Creating this brand became activism without words. It is a way for me to tell an entire story about a culture with simple designs that are profound enough to be explained without further words.